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In the Science LAB small recycled set, pupils are introduced to the basic concept of magnetic polarities. They then tailor the polarities to create controlled magnetic reactions and drive motion before progressively tackling more challenging tasks. Science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) are woven into this stimulating and truly innovative set, which includes a set of progressive cards with practical demonstrations and tasks.Each set is for 4 pupils.Suitable for secondary schools

Teaching Topics

Polarities and making a compass
Understanding push and pull forces: basics – “crocodile jaw” – oscillating pendulum
Magnetic levitation
Increasing/decreasing magnetic forces
Range of shapes of regular polygons and how to form a structure using them
How to form 3D shapes
Structures and how to make them stronger (bridges etc)
The effect of triangulation on structures
Using spheres to experience low friction rotational movement
Understanding simple bearings/thrust bearings
Combining rotational movement with push and pull magnetic forces
Learning how to make a homopolar magnetic motor


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