By reinforcing the concepts of Euclidean geometry with 2D polygons, 3D forms and much more as they build concrete models and make
real-life comparisons, pupils in groups of 8/10 pupils then enjoy elaborating their models in a creative, stimulating and productive classroom
environment. As well as the open-ended activity cards, there is a brand new booklet containing creative exercises and dynamic
group activities that promote STEM learning. This concrete approach to understanding abstract concepts gives pupils a head start.

Teaching Suggestions
Constructing 2D and 3D shapes
Perimeters and areas, doubling/halving
Triangles and quadrilateral shapes
Pyramids, quadrangles, triangles, octagons, hexagons
Repeating sequences and tessellation
Parallel and mirror lines
Symmetry and rotational symmetry
Distinguishing between straight and turning movements/recognising 1/2 and 1/4 turns
Visualising and describing shapes, movements and transformations
Applying numeracy skills to other areas of learning
Collecting and recording data /analysing and explaining results and procedures
Solving problems by breaking down into smaller tasks